Mural for Board & Brew Restaurant

outdoor mural, clubhouse mural, office mural, Newport Beach, Balboa Pavilion, sailing, sailboat mural

Outdoor mural for luxury community office building

Pool mural, wave mural, wave art, surf mural, outdoor mural

Poolside mural for a gated community clubhouse

Children's dental room mural, before and with dental chairs installed

Outdoor mural for company breakroom 

Outdoor mural for company breakroom

Yoga studio mural

Marine Corps mural, Camp Pendleton, USMC, School of Infantry

Welcome Wall mural for the USMC, Camp Pendleton School of Infantry

"Surfing San Clemente" - Pool mural backdrop for the Holiday Inn Express

"Dory Race" - First of two murals on the Snack Shack at the end of the San Clemente Pier

Second of two murals on the Snack Shack at the end of the San Clemente Pier

Beach Hut Deli hallway artwork - created to hide two electric panels

Wordcloud mural for corporate lobby

Graphic mural, knight mural,

9 ft. mural graphic for Christian Elementary School

Trompe l'oeil backdrop for retail clothing store

18 ft. tall oceanscape trompe l'oeil backdrop

Backdrop mural for retail clothing store

Bikram Yoga classroom mural

"Surf Zone" party room mural for children's entertainment center

City commissioned utility box

Lobby mural for veterinary hospital

Closeups from the vet lobby mural

Children's entertainment center lobby mural

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